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Fire Risk Assessment

The Employer is called the “Responsible Person” and they must list “significant findings”. The responsible person must carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment and may appoint a competent person/company such as Zeta to follow the minimum 5 step review:

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Site Visit.

Carry out a methodical and organised review of the premises
and processes in line with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)
Order 2005 (or relevant legislation outside of the
England and Wales), and/or HSG 168 in respect of
construction sites.

Fire assessment specialist
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Assess inherent dangers.

Assess inherent dangers posed to employees
and visitors in the premises and associated risks
for fire warnings, exit procedures and safe
exit routes. A Hot Smoke test can be used to
assess the effects and rate of travel of smoke
and gases in the event of a fire.

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Comprehensive report.

Produce a comprehensive report that evaluates the
risks, assesses whether existing precautions are
sufficient, and advise on new precautions or
measures required. This report will include assessing
unoccupied areas where detection may be delayed.

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Agree next steps.

Following discussion and review of reports,
an action list is drawn up with the client.

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Associated services.

Where necessary to provide additional support such
as staff training, development and implementation
of management and evacuation plans, and provision
of ongoing technical support.

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Schedule regular assessments.

Schedule regular assessment reviews and revisions
if required to keep you, your staff and your
business safe from the risk of fire.


For more information or a quotation contact us on 01869 326000 or drop us a line

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