Zeta started trading as Fineapply in 1997, until the company decided to change its name in Autumn 2010. Zeta started out by carrying out Risk Assessment and Monitoring services in respect of water and air hygiene.
Working with worldwide organisations of all sizes, from privately owned companies to the public sector, Zeta’s long and successful track record with customers and clients has enabled Zeta to extend its services into several new areas of compliance.
The acquisition of The Fire Strategy Company in 2010 enabled Zeta to extend its expertise beyond the areas of air quality, water hygiene (Legionella) and energy compliance management.
Zeta’s Fire division means that we can offer a strategic level service covering all aspects of fire risk management, including Fire Engineering, Fire and Risk Management as well as Business Continuity Planning and Exercising.
Zeta is in a position to supply most of the statutory areas of compliance required by its clients.